Friday, November 21, 2008

forgotten costs of illegal immigration

In Sulap Brings up a huge topic that I never heard addressed at any point in the campaign season. What current steps are we taking to stop the huge flooding in the side of our Titanic? What is the entire cost of our inability to keep people out of our country? Estimates are scary. Criminal immigrants make up about 25% of our federal prisons at about 21K per year on taxpayers. That is about $500 billion federal funds per year and an additional $500 million for the nation's states incarcerations. That doesn't account for the welfare costs, labor market effects, wage effects, and drain on our education system. Why do people have such a hard time spending a couple of million on a wall. Sulap points out that the wall between India and Pakistan has dramatically reduced tensions between those countries. Implicit and explicit costs of Billions if not trillions of dollars is what is really killing our economy. I'll take the $25 billion to big 3 over a little wall any day. Drugs and crime are just a minor problem, look at the thousands of possible terrorists that are in our country right now waiting to really do some damage and that wall doesn't sound so bad does it. Some statistics were referenced from

1 comment:

M. Barah Gardner said...

I would definitely have to agree! But I must say that some of the cost is a bit offset by those that do pay into our government tax programs such as social security and never actually get a pay out. What really irks me though is those that never pay into it yet find a way to milk social security at a younger age off of someone else's number. There is a gentleman at my workplace that recently completed the process to become an official citizen and as of yesterday can now call himself an American. After studying our history, taking an exam and paying a few thousand dollars, he passed with flying colors. He learned our language and holds his own just as the rest of us that were born here. Why can't those who sneak in, don't contribute, look for a free ride, at least learn the language? Oh and on top of that, bring extra crime and costs while taking jobs? Good topic! While so many criticize the wall, I think it is definitely an inexpensive start to helping our economy getting back to what it used to be!